Existing moorage member applying for space for a larger boat.

Start by notifying the office of the timelines and details of your new yacht. The more information the better. And please keep us updated along the way.

When a moorage space becomes available and

(1) you own or are in the process of purchasing the new larger yacht (verified to the satisfaction of the Rear Commodore) AND

(2) your new larger yacht’s length is equal to or no shorter than 1ft of the advertised moorage space (see ‘How to Measure Your Boat’ video).

You can apply for this larger space before vacating your smaller space. Please keep in mind that you are not permitted to have two yachts occupying moorage space simultaneously.

Upon award

  • Move smaller yacht to larger moorage space.

  • Pay for larger moorage space from date of award. 

  • Smaller moorage space is advertised to the membership.

Within 60 days of award

  • Smaller yacht must be removed before new larger yacht moves into its moorage space.

  • Present larger yacht to moorage committee for measurement verification before occupying space. 

  • If the yacht length or relevant details on the moorage application don’t match incoming yacht, moorage is cancelled. Any applicable moorage refund is paid less 60 days cancellation notice.

If your new larger yacht’s length is more than 1ft shorter than the advertised space, you must resign your moorage, vacate your moorage space and join the Waiting List. You can then apply under the ‘small yacht rule’. Please see the instructions for ‘Waiting List Members’.